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A photo of a row of cars parked in a car park.

After keeping our parking charges the same for more than two years, inflation and rising costs mean we're planning to increase the cost of our long-stay car parks, while keeping short stay prices the same.

Parking charges in West Devon were last increased in March 2021. The Council has consciously kept parking prices frozen for its residents and visitors over this time. 

However, with inflation at a 40 year high, costs to deliver frontline services have increased across the Borough, which means we have had to review our charges.


Increasing long stay prices means short stay prices can stay the same, reducing the impact on local businesses, shoppers and those using essential high street services.

This is what we're planning:

  • Increase long stay fees at all of our long stay car parks in Hatherleigh and Chagford, Mill Road Car Park in Okehampton, and Abbey, Bedford and Riverside car parks in Tavistock
  • Change Abbey Car Park in Tavistock from a 4 hour maximum stay to a 6 hour maximum stay car park
  • Brentor and Lydford car parks will return to Dartmoor National Park Authority to operate
  • Keep short stay parking prices the same

Check out the following documents

Document image preview
Notice of Proposal.pdf
Document image preview
Pay and Display Charges - Current and New Charges.pdf
Document image preview
Brentor Car Park.pdf
Document image preview
Lydford Car Park.pdf

This is a formal consultation - if you'd like to send in your comments, we will need your contact details so we can respond to you following the consultation.

This engagement phase has finished

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